It's getting to that time of year again when the festive season is starting to build up. Do you know what that...
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The Studio Build: Episode 7
Last time on The Build, we hit disaster after disaster as we ran through the final steps, fitting the doors and...
How to remove ropes and lines quickly in Photoshop
Imagine this: You're faced with a gallery of photographs that include horses wearing rope photo halters (there's a DIY...
How to: Perspex Lick Shots in Studio
Lick shots can be really fun for photographers and the dogs involved so today we're covering how to shoot the...
How to remove banding in Photoshop (+ Action)
This weeks video is on a problem I see almost every day, and certainly every time I ever judge or critique images:...
What is Depth of Field & how to alter it
Depth of Field is a really important beginner's topic in the theory of Photography because it impacts so much of an...
The magical world of Gradient Maps
For the past 12-14 months I've been using gradient maps on and off to add a bit of grit and power to certain images...
How to prep & export your photos for Instagram
We've been asked this in the Request Box and in online one to ones too so today, I wanted to run through exactly how I...
10 tips to boost your photography business
It's January and that means that it's time to plan, but it is also a quiet time for most photography niches which...
Bryt’s Birthday Cake Smash
On the 27th September 2021, Bryt turned one. I can’t describe the epic time I’ve had with Beanie over the past year,...
The Photography Show 2021 – TeamTOG
The Photography Show has and always will be one of the, if not the most, important events in the photographic...
Equine photography behind the scenes (& MTog full edit)
When we were up in Scotland on the secret project, we met a lovely horse called Harley. Harley is owned by Tanya and...
How to photograph a dog on a black background (Studio)
Probably the hardest of the studio photography setups to nail, photographing black backgrounds well and specifically...