
Online Photographers Training

 Reach your potential with multi-titled photographer Jess, from the comfort of your own home.


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Spaces are released every week in a rolling month-by-month format. 

If the calendar below doesn’t allow you to select a date or change months, it is because all future one-to-one spaces are booked out. In peak season for workshops and speaking internationally, spaces are fewer and as such there can be long waits for the next rolling opening to show. If you check back here on Friday evenings, the next available Friday’s space may have opened up. 

About the one-to-one range:

Option 1:

Editing One-to-Ones

Whether you are brand new to Adobe Lightroom Classic or you’re looking to up-skill your workflow in Adobe Photoshop, if you have a laptop and are ready to improve, we’ll probably work well together! 

To complete these sessions, you’ll need a laptop, Adobe programs (Lightroom Classic and/or Photoshop), a reliable internet connection and a RAW file that is technically sound (sharp in the right places!).

We’ll connect initially on Zoom and then you’ll allow Jess to have remote access to your computer via Teamviewer (also free). This allows us to very quickly and very easily control your screen to show you a particular tool or technique instead of continually saying “up a bit, a bit more, to the left” on repeat!


“I’ve used Photoshop for 14 years, Lightroom for over 9 years and edit most days of the week in some way, shape or form! I have great success using this format for editing tuition online!”

Option 2:

Business One-to-Ones

An enormous field to cover but in brief, individuals usually choose this option if they are starting a photography business and want to get off the ground well, or if they have an existing photography business that isn’t performing particularly well.

Usually, we cover business structure, pricing, IPS, marketing, SEO, social media, portfolio reviews/strategies for growth and product choices, but really this can be anything you need it to be.


“As well as having operated a successful photography business for over 6 years, I also handily have a CIM Dip in Strategic Marketing and regularly work on both small and international scale marketing and strategic business projects for both photography and non-photography businesses. The largest budget I’ve ever personally managed for a single campaign is £250,000. Return on investment and profitability for you is a priority for me.”

Option 3:

Portfolio Review (Deep Critique) One-to-Ones

Whether your goals are to take amazing photographs of your children or to win an international photography title, this one-to-one option has the capacity to give you specific, actionable pointers of what you can improve to get to the next step.

Usually, we look at your portfolio or the results of a single shoot – a collection of images (10 minimum, no maximum!) – and critically assess them against each other and your goals. The images could be RAW files, finished pieces or something different entirely. Remember, Jess will be honest and frank – prep yourself with a notepad and pen beforehand.


“A seasoned ‘print comper’, I’ve had a lot of success with over 200 international recognitions and 18 titles to date at the highest photographic level. I have an eye for fine detail and have been dubbed “Picky Patricia” by students when reviewing images for portfolios or competition. I try to be kind and fair with my portfolio crit and it is always about how to improve, not what you’ve done wrong.”

Don’t just take our word for it…

Here’s what others have said:

"Best money I've spent on my business"

Thanks for getting in touch. I thought the 1-1 I had with Jess was fantastic. I'm sure she doesn't realize how motivating she is. She has such a professional head on her. I have been employed for 35 plus years and the transition to being self-employed is a big mountain to climb. When I was employed I could pick up a phone and speak to an Accounts Dept, an IT Dept, a HR Dept, a Technical Dept. Now the only guy who is going to sort any issues is the guy I see in the mirror every morning. Being self employed can be a very lonely and isolating world to be in. That money has been, with out doubt, the best money I have spent on my emerging business so far. In a strange way I just needed to talk to Jess to get permission to go forward with my business. The biggest obstacle to date has been me. Not allowing myself to do what I want to do, thinking I must be wrong, feeling guilty about enjoying what I'm doing, listening to people saying that you will never make money with Photography. I know different and after speaking with Jess for just an hour, I came away enlightened, enabled and confident to push on, make plans, set goal and do what I love doing. I would recommend anyone who has any questions, worries or self doubt to have a 1-1 with Jess. It just makes sense. ~ Darryl O.

"Like chatting with a friend"

I am so happy that I booked an online 1-2-1 with Jess, I enjoyed it so much! I am a big fan of Jess and I have been a Mtog from the beginning. I had a photo with a difficult background that needed fixing and I asked Jess for help. Jess showed me a few ways to fix the background and I learned some new techniques along the way. Working with Jess was very relaxed and comfortable, like chatting with a friend. I am glad that I asked for the recording of our session so I could easily replicate what Jess taught me with that video reference, and the video was sent to me so quickly after our session! I won't hesitate to book another session with Jess when I need help again. ~ Jo R.

"More stars needs as 5 isn’t enough"

Having taken up photography in the last year and gotten to grips with the camera it was time to turn my attention to editing ..I really struggled with this and found it quite daunting.I eventually booked an online 121 with Jess.
Straight away Jess put me at ease as we chatted through my experience and options.Jess then guided me through lightrooms explaining beautifully, leaving me with the skills and confidence I desperately needed to help my photography to progress.
I recommend if you’re thinking about it. Maybe find online chats a bit scary - just do it !! You won’t regret it. ~ Barry S.

"Jess is Bloody Brilliant"

I decided to book an editing one-to-one with Jess because I had a session where the greens were all over the place. I HATED everything about the session because of the greens and they were SO inconsistent it drove me batty.

I watched Jess's tutorials and was able to apply what she taught to get them "good enough" to give my customer, but I was still not happy with them, so I booked the one-to-one without a second thought.

The session BLEW my mind. I was a bit scared because I was afraid she would tell me my work is sh!t (don't we all love that little troll that lives in our brain?!?). My fear was unfounded, and she had good things to say. She of course did comment on my composition, which included family posing with their two dogs, and this will definitely help for my future sessions that include entire families.

Now for the main event - THOSE GREENS!!! Jess took the time to go through three (yes THREE!!!) separate ways in Photoshop to address the greens and get them more palatable. We actually went into the channel mixer itself, and played with the greens, yellows, and blacks. It is AMAZING. I am looking forward to practicing these techniques and incorporating them into my workflow (and use an action, so I save time).

Thank you so much Jess! ~ Kate W.

"1-2-1 business session"

Thanks Jess for my very first 1-2-1 with you. I needed help with a special project I am trying to get sorted, and you have been a massive help! Already booked my next 1-2-1 and can't wait, but I will have to! The next available one was February next year 👀
These sessions sell out like hot cakes haha, and I can see why!
Thanks Jess, I feel so much more confident with your advice and help 💗 you rock! ~ An Di P.

"Great business one to one"

I had a business one to one with Jess to get some feedback and ideas. I came away with so many things on my to-do list! Thanks so much Jess,
it was money very well spent! ~ Clara A.

"Honest and valuable feedback"

Jess gives honest and valuable feedback based on your preferences whether you take photos as a hobby, or run a photography business, or you plan to submit photos to photography competitions. I have already achieved several successes in different international competitions following her advice. ~ Krisztián C.

"Fast Track for Beginning Photographers"

I started to take private classes with Jess 9 months ago. I typically take one a month and I am soo happy with them. I wish I could take them every week, but I need to keep my budget together. (even tough the private classes are really affordable)
My progress as pet & people photographer has been enourmous - I feel. Its the most efficient way to grow as photographer. You can chose what you want to work on, it can be very general or very much into detail.
5 stars for Jess as teacher! ~ Susanne W.

"Jess knows her stuff!"

I can't even begin to express how grateful I am of Jess and what she offers. I have learned more from her in the past months than I have in years of trying to start a photography business. I scheduled a 1-2-1 with Jess and I was more than thrilled with the feedback and support she gave. It helped me so much and I am still amazed how much it helped me even with the vast distance between us. If you are on the fence about scheduling time with Jess or joining one of her classes. Do it!! You will not be disappointed. ~ Toni P.

"I'm so glad I did it!"

My one-to-one editing session with Jess was nothing short of amazing and no doubt, the best money I've spent on my photography education! Jess genuinely wanted to help and made sure I understood the reasons for what she was doing as far as editing my image. My favorite takeaways were her method of making the eyes pop and also the contouring. Both are now a part of every image I edit, there is just no going back on those. Aside from those two favorites, I learned several other techniques that I have found incredibly useful in understanding Photoshop better. I highly recommend doing a one-to-one session! ~ Nicole H.


Jess has been part of my photography journey for a year now and I've learned so much from her. Her editing tutorials and 1-2-1 are amazing and have answered so many of my questions. I now have my own style and people love my images ~ Robin M.

"Great practical advice!"

I would consider myself an experienced dog photographer. I have been in the industry for 9 years and shot a lot of dogs. But still, I felt stuck with my marketing and sales sessions. So what did I do? I booked a One to One business session with Jess. And I am so happy with what I got out of that session. Jess asks the right questions to get the thought process started. She listened to what I had to say. And gave great advice that is possible for me to implement!

Before I ordered I thought that one hour would be a too long session. Could we have enough subjects to talk about for one hour? Oh was I wrong. That hour went so fast. And there was never a second of silence. Just great information and conversation all the time. So thank you so much Jess! I will work on everything we talked about and I will order a new session later to ask all the question that arose after we were finished. ~ Pal H.

"5 stars!"

I can highly recommend having a 1-2-1 with Jess as the attention to detail she gives is fantastic.
I've followed Jess on You Tube since 2020 and her videos have always been excellent and so informative, then when she launched her Outdoor Canine Portrait course I signed up immediately and again learnt so much. I was happy that my photography and editing were going in the right direction, but still needed a bit of help to take my photos to the next level and that's why I booked an online 121.
On the 121 Jess went through exactly the things I wanted to know more about and not holding back on any detail. She made sure I would be able to take the information forward and I that I had got want I wanted from the session before signing off, even if that meant it was a little longer than originally planned.
You can try looking online for information to help you and you may or maynot find it, but booking a 121 with Jess will definitely ensure you do learn and it trust me it's well worth the money! ~ Sarah O.

"Invaluable portfolio review"

I had an 121 (portfolio review) with Jess after I have been an MTog for about 6 months and after I completed the Outdoor Advanced Canine Course. I prepared around 12 of my best photos for Jess to look at and I hoped for an honest feedback. I really liked that Jess was very open and frank, she didn't beat around the bush but gave direct ideas on how to improve the photos. The hour went by in a heartbeat but was packed with practical and applicable information and ideas. I intend to do a 121 again in the future! ~ Nika K.

"Couldn’t be better"

I loved my editing 1-2-1 and definitely learning heaps. Jess is super friendly, funny and talented, I absolutely recommend her!! ~ Jemma C.

"Excellent. Very helpful."

I asked Jess to review my most recent portfolio shots in order to get an expert view on the level of my work. Jess gave me detailed feedback and very useful guidance on how and where I could improve.
A very worthwhile experience. I expect to book another review when I have enhanced my work. Thanks Jess. ~ Chris H.

"One-to-One Portfolio Review"

My portfolio review with Jess was an exceptionally positive and motivating experience. I was looking to select images to share on my website as well as to use for product samples. Jess was able to give such specific and practical advice about every image that I showed her. I never felt belittled or criticized. Nor did I feel patronized. She struck the perfect balance of motivating me to continue improving, and recognizing that my current work still had its strengths. Since my one-to-one, I have noticed a marked improvement in my work, but with what I am shooting and how I am processing it. I would never hesitate to recommend a one-to-one with Jess. It will absolutely change your work for the better! ~ Teresa L.

"Fantastic editing 1-2-1"

I really enjoyed the online session and we went through some parts that I was getting stuck, it all made loads more sense after the session and gave me the skills and confidence to continue to practice. ~ Gina R.

"THIRD One to One"

It’s my THIRD one on a one with Jess, and if this doesn’t say how much I love my sessions with her, I don’t know what will!

The first two times were a half day in person 1 to 1 from Jess. And third a online 1 to 1 editing.
and because I don’t live in the UK, we had to do it through zoom.

I highly highly recommend it to anyone interested or considering. Jess ALWAYS went above and beyond what she is supposed to do each time and even went past the stipulated timing.
She also has so much patience. I feel safe being around Jess, I never feel judged or feel silly asking her questions. And that says alot!

I know after every session, I will leave being more confident and motivated about improving my work and that’s why I just keep booking sessions with her! It’s the BEST money I’ve ever spent. (not even equipments, but this!) ~ Eunice.


I booked a 1 to 1 with Jess with the hope of taking my photography to the next level. I was producing nice images but wanted to produce wow images. Firstly, Jess and Dan are the most relaxed and welcoming pair. They immediately made me feel welcome and at ease. About 15 minutes into our session Jess had already made me realise where my shortcomings were and transformed the way I thought about setting up and taking my shot. This experience for me was highly rewarding and truly invaluable. I have come away more motivated and excited than ever about improving my work. The images that I took with her on the day are to date, the best images I have ever produced. Jess is a wealth of knowledge and skill. She has an amazing way of teaching and communicating. Her and Dan put so much time and effort into our day and I cannot fault a single thing. I am definitely planning another day with Jess in the future. If you are on the fence about booking….do it! You absolutely won’t be disappointed. ~ Suzanne F.


I had a business 1-2-1 booked with Jess to talk about business growth. Jess went right back into my business structure, identifying the weak spots for me to work on. Jess gave me lots to work on and review, after saying there’s no point filling a bucket before you have fixed the holes. I am excited to have more sessions with Jess! ~ Steph Y.

"Fantastic and invaluable"

Jess’s business coaching has been fantastic and invaluable. By having regular sessions it has helped me set goals for my business and reach them in short spaces of time. Her style of teaching makes all subjects easy to understand and she is very patient! She is very knowledgeable, I have yet to raise a question or query that she does not have an answer or idea of how to solve. ~ Jo C.

"One to one business coaching"

The session that I had with Jess to discuss my brand, marketing and overall business strategy was so helpful. We covered all the areas that I wanted to discuss and Jess gave practical and useful guidance and shared her own experience. ~ Louise M.

"A Fantastic Learning Experience"

I highly recommend a One on One with Jess. I did one last Friday and it was a fantastic learning experience. I asked Jess to edit from scratch an image that I had submitted for review in July. Having decided on my vision for the image Jess explained the steps in detail and I was able to watch as she did her photoshop magic.I also purchased the recording of the session and I have played it a few times since while practicing the workflow. If you are struggling with your editing this is a must. I will certainly be booking another session in the future. ~ Michelle D.

"Quite possibly the best investment I have made in my business"

I came to my business one-to-one session knowing that I wanted to conduct in-person sales sessions. I did not know how to structure my prices, packages, product samples, or how to conduct my sales sessions. After an hour and a half with Jess, I knew exactly how I would price my products, which products I should offer, what product samples I needed to order, how I would structure my packages and price lists, and exactly how I would conduct my sales sessions.

Following my one-to-one, I had three back-to-back sales sessions where I sold over $500 worth of product. In one session, I sold nearly $2000 worth of product. All three of these sessions were from model calls where the client was getting a free product for their time, and they still ended up ordering wall art and digital files. I kept hearing Jess' advice in my head on repeat during the sessions and I kept seeing the sales increase. I am so excited about the shape my business is taking and I look forward to continued development with further mentoring from That Tog Spot. I would highly recommend a business one-to-one with Jess for anyone looking to start a photography business, restructure their business, or fine-tune an existing business. ~ Teresa L.

"1-2-1 on editing"

I had a 1-2-1 with Jess learning how to mask properly. I can highly recommend her, she is a fantastic tutor! ~ Christina C.

"Knowledgeable, helpful and friendly"

I had my business one 2 one with Jess recently and all I can say is, I came away really excited to get going with all of Jess's suggestions. Jess is so knowledgeable and is happy to share the knowledge she has built up over the years. Everything was clearly explained and anything I wasn't sure about, Jess was more than happy to explain further. I would highly recommend this to anyone looking to start up their business or even just to give that extra push. Thanks so much for all the advice ~ Susan T.

"I can't say how thankful I am to Jess"

I picked up photography last year as a pandemic project - and thankfully found her YouTube channel. That alone was a godsend, as I had no foundation in either photography or the tools to store, manipulate and enhance photos.

When she announced the photoshop basics and outdoor canine portrait classes, I immediately signed up. They are both fabulous.

However, with being so new to photography and photoshop, I still found myself getting frustrated or confused when I tried to apply the steps to my own work.

So I signed up for her one to one lessons. Jimmy Crickets, they are amazing!!! She answered my questions I had from camera settings and exposure to composition, to photoshop and application to my own photos - helped me to understand and apply what I saw in the videos. Even more valuable - she boosted and inspired my confidence, enthusiasm, motivation and creativity.

Thanks Jess!! ~ Denise K.

"Excellent session, really helpful"

I had my one on one session with Jess. It was really helpful especially with selecting the right highlight, white and exposure settings for my dog. I was also advised to play with the Tone Curve and what a difference it has made.
Would recommend this session to everyone thinking about it. ~ Aman S.

"Very good guidance and advice"

I had an amazing online session with Jess where I got a lot of useful insights. She gave me great tips & tricks to help me improve my work in the future. She gave great and sound advice. I wil definitely book a one-to-one again someday in the future! ~ Hannelore G.

"Awesome just like everything else!"

Had an editing 1-2-1 that I was bought for Christmas and finally got round to doing it. I was nervous before hand but then decided to just get on with it as I had found something that I wanted to work on. We worked on what I wanted to and Jess gave me some pointers and things to look out for as well in future photos to do with what I wanted to work on. I can honestly say it was like chatting to a friend and having a massive catch up, all while learning at the same time.. Does that make sense? I hope it does! So if you are wondering whether to book a 1-2-1 or not, DO IT! Thank you so much Jess! I will be booking another FOR SURE! ~ Jess B.

"A perfect mentor"

Clear, motivational,inspiring, when you work with Jess you will keep going on so natural that is how she brings it to you to learn . ~ Garry C.

"Thank you so much!"

I highly recommend a “one on one” with Jess, although she is more than generous with all the exceptional content she produces and posts, there is something to be said about working “one on one“ together. Jess was so gracious as I was feeling a bit intimidated sharing my images, she put me at ease quite quickly and shared her awesome Lightroom and Photoshop workflow that was relevant to my images. Jess offers a summary sheet as well, make sure you opt-in for that. I was able to follow along and pay attention to our session knowing I didn’t have to take notes. They are well detailed and captured everything we reviewed- Jess it was a real honour to work with you, I know I will book another session soon. ~ Donna P.

"Would I recommend? Wholeheartedly."

Jess' advice was honest, practical and to the point. An hours session has kicked me into gear and given me a whole bunch to work on. Would I recommend? Wholeheartedly. Will I be booking another session? Definitely. ~ Simon G.

Why wait?

Jess sets aside every Friday for individual online tutoring and spaces for these sessions are extremely limited. If you’d like to book more than 2 hours on one day, please email the team directly through [email protected]. For all other sessions, what are you waiting for?!

Start today