Some of you will know that I often enter the Guild of Photographers Image of the Month (IoM) competition as I’ve posted a previous award for a photo of Pippi (below). The Guild is a little different to the general association because your entries are kind of in amongst everyone – there is no category split.

You enter your images (a maximum of 3 per month can go for the annual points race) and the images are marked by a panel of judges and you end up with a “ranking”. These rankings are, in The Guilds own words:
- A Platinum Bar .. Images of exceptional or outstanding quality (only awarded to the ultimate of images)
- A Gold Bar .. Images of particular distinction (very rare)
- A Silver Bar .. Images that are very well crafted (difficult to achieve)
- A Bronze Bar .. Images of a strong standard at a national competition level (something to be proud of)…
- Classified .. Images of a standard worthy of acknowledgement relevant to the genre entered but which are not deemed award winning at national competition level.
- Not scored .. Images that do not reach our ‘Classified’ level score will not be given a grade
As far as I know, nobody this year has received a Platinum Bar (yet) and usually the number of Golds isn’t enormous. For an outdoor dog portrait, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Gold (but I am more than happy to be proved wrong)!
So really I’m aiming for Silvers from the Guild because as far as I can tell, that’s just what we’re working with here based on statistically significant results. The image of Pippi above was a bit insane because she had her mouth open ? To be fair though, it did suit the photograph, 100%.
So after reaching one silver, I thought how many can I go for this time with my 3 entered? One would be great to maintain the previous trajectory for sure.
But no.
This months Guild IoM resulted in 3 Silver Bars!
To say I was surprised is an understatement. Exceptionally pleased with these results! Here are the 3:

No idea what to enter next though…