Dog photography around water always carries risks, but photographing dogs around waterfalls is often a magic moment...
photography tips Posts
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How To: Photograph White Things
Photographing white things, for example photographing white dogs, is just the same really as photographing anything...
How To: Photograph Pets with Holiday Lights
It's getting to that time of year again when the festive season is starting to build up. Do you know what that...
How to shoot boisterous dogs
Every week we get asked to show a dog that isn't a trained model on a session, the thing is, almost none of our shoots...
How to avoid reflections in studio photography
To avoid reflections in studio photography from your off-camera flash, you have to first understand the angle of...
“Good” photos in 15 minutes?
You have 15 minutes, a dog and a location. What do you do? Where do you start? How do you start? This was the...
How to: Perspex Lick Shots in Studio
Lick shots can be really fun for photographers and the dogs involved so today we're covering how to shoot the...
Portrait Photography Basics – Composition
The most important thing about photography, in my opinion, is composition. If you don't have good composition, then,...
What is Depth of Field & how to alter it
Depth of Field is a really important beginner's topic in the theory of Photography because it impacts so much of an...
Roasting: My 13 years of photography
Learning is a process, it isn't going to happen overnight. It takes work, stress, sweat and time. You cannot compare...
How to take panorama photos & stitch them in Photoshop
That was a long title but as it says, this post is all about the shooting skills for a killer pano and how to stitch...
8 Tips for Photographing Pets & People
I realised that although we'd created a tutorial on how to photography multiple subjects together, the Request Box was...
Desensitise animals to flash
A question that has been asked in The Request Box a lot over the past months is "how to get dogs used to flash in...
Equine photography behind the scenes (& MTog full edit)
When we were up in Scotland on the secret project, we met a lovely horse called Harley. Harley is owned by Tanya and...
What is Metering in photography?
Pretty much as the title says here, this post is all about Metering. Metering is also known as exposure metering,...
Behind the scenes photographing horses in studio
Ponies. The love of my life. I was honoured to be asked to come photograph some absolutely beautiful horses recently...
How to set the perfect white balance in camera
This is a question I get asked a lot because you guys often see me do one or both methods in videos and within...
How to get more than one subject in focus in the same photograph
How to get multiple subjects in focus in one photo is like the holy grail of portrait photography and it's rarely...