You have 15 minutes, a dog and a location. What do you do? Where do you start? How do you start? This was the situation I was faced with when Dan challenged me to take as many “good” shots as possible in 15 minutes. The dog was Bryt, the weather was bad for photography and the location was small (the shooting space, that is).
How did I do? Find out in here:
The pressure of the clock ticking is pretty tough to deal with, but after the first shot which took a bit of warming up to for Beanie who had no idea why we were racing around everywhere, it got a bit easier. That is until I ran out of ideas and panicked. We didn’t get much further after that!
There’s so much I would do differently now, but I guess I could’ve done worse? I’d say I got 15 “good” photos in 15 minutes. There are 16 here but one I would not classify as good, and another is questionable at best. Will they win prizes? Absolutely not! Would they be ok slotting into a client gallery? Probably, yeah!
Do you think you could match my number? Beat it? I’d love to see!!