As promised after the November Challenge Review Video, today is a focus on a straightforward and relatively simple eye...
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How to use Lightrooms Masking features
When I first saw this I think I actually said WTF. Now that it's here and I've had a chance to play, I wanted to share...
The one-click urban portrait fix
With winter coming in I know I'll be opting more for studio and urban work rather than forest photos because of the...
Straightening backgrounds in Photoshop
Today's video came about as a result of a message sent into the Request Box and the request read: "How to straighten...
Curves in Photoshop: The 10 Basic Adjustments
This weeks video is all about Curves and I want to walk through some functionality in this blog post too. To skip...
How to remove blurry stuff from in front of subjects in Photoshop
When it comes to shooting small subjects through tall foliage, sometimes you need a fix because wherever you position...
Lightroom vs Photoshop. What’s the beef?
This week, we delve into the request box and pull out a regularly asked question; what is the difference between...
How to correct tint and temp issues
This weeks video is all about colour. We've covered colour before on more than one occasion, first with white balance...
How to correct screen vs print differences
This video I actually really enjoyed creating because it was a legitimate situation happening as we selected papers...
41 Essential Photoshop keyboard shortcuts to speed up your workflow
You've probably seen me work in Photoshop by now and the single most frequent thing people say is, "how do you work so...
How to composite different exposures like a pro
Remember the "how to shoot in golden hour" video? Inside that, I showed how two different ways to capture different...
How to find and remove blemishes in Photoshop
Everyone is so used to seeing dogs that I kind of felt it was about time we threw some human skills into the pot...
Smart objects in Photoshop
Smart objects are like that weird extra thing that someone throws out in a conversation that has everyone in the room...
What’s all the hype about Histograms?
Ah Histograms, the photographers faithful friend. I will admit, I didn't really feel they were that important but...
How to add watermarks to photos in Photoshop
Another request straight out of The Request Box today, this time answering a few different requests all focussing on...
Topaz Labs DeNoise AI Tutorial & Settings Demo
THIS POST IS NOW OUT OF DATE. Please see the updated version which warns against using Topaz Labs Denoise AI. For...
Photoshop Basics – The 3 things you NEED to know
Photoshop is like a magical world that is completely terrifying for anyone new to it. All these weird and wonderful...
How to Expand Backgrounds in Photoshop
I won't write too much on this one because it's an Advent video and there is no time! Here you go:...