CHALLENGE REVIEW TIME! And this month we also did the review a little bit differently but somehow it is December already we need to allocate those Pins (if you’re lost, check this page here) and announce the next month’s challenge so let’s get started…
The November challenge was Urban. I asked you to shoot and submit an image was captured inside and portrayed an urban (manmade) environment. This time, we tried something a bit different for the review video for YouTube after an awesome suggestion from one of the community members. I’d really like to know which method of review you prefer because we’ll go forwards with whichever you pick. The video for this months review is here:
As usual, there is no way we can include everyone’s individual critiques in the video (individual monthly in-depth critiques are included in this though). This time I’d pre-batched up images and had a shortlist in mind before I started recording which I’ve never done before. Anyone with an image in either the longlist or the shortlist or the short-shortlist or just the entries in general, did so freaking amazing and should be very, very proud! That being said, there can only be one winner. Therefore, the winners of the pins this month are:
(If you don’t know what Pins are, please check out the section on pins here.)
YEP that’s two bronzes there because I couldn’t bare any of these to not be in the Pins. I love all of them for different reasons and would love to have any of them on my own walls. But what is December’s challenge? This months challenge is:
The “Seasons” Challenge.
The aim of this month’s challenge is to submit an image that is clearly portraying a season. There are 4 seasons and you can portray any of them, Spring – Summer – Autumn(fall) – Winter. Entries can be of any subject. The subject does not have to be a dog – I repeat, the subject can be anything.
How to enter:
- Stricly ONE entry per person.
- Shoot or select an image shot within the last 12 months.
- Post your piece to Instagram and tag @thattogspot in the image.
- In the description/caption, use the hashtag #ThatTogSpotChallenge
- (optional) Share the post to your story (bonus points for adding a before and after) and tag @thattogspot and #ThatTogSpotChallenge in the story
- Entries close at midnight (UK time) on the last day of November
The image will be judged on all the normal things (focus, composition, clipped highlights or shadows, focus, exposure, editing quality (not quantity!), and white balance) in line with Print comps…
As always, no purchased/downloaded assets are allowed – these include overlays, composite elements and brushes. Entries should not be submitted of images taken on trainings and workshops.
The judging will take place at the start of January and the judge’s decision is final.
Good luck!
I absolutely LOVE this new method of reviewing the monthly challenge entries! I found it very helpful, and had to laugh when my image was in a category “all its own.” That darn white balance! Thanks, as always, for creating challenges that push me to get out and shoot and for giving me practical advice on how to keep improving.