The photography blog
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Welcome to the official blog for the YouTube channel That Tog Spot. If you wanted a photography blog, you’re in the right place! Here is a collection of easy-to-navigate blog posts covering most aspects of portrait photography.
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Last but not least, enjoy your photography journey. We were all beginners once so be kind!
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The TOG Awards 2022 – Results are in!
Sophia Hutchinson, of Pets by Sophia from Warwickshire in England, has been awarded the prestigious title of Internation PhoTOGrapher of the Year in...
Roasting: My 13 years of photography
Learning is a process, it isn't going to happen overnight. It takes work, stress, sweat and time. You cannot compare one person's highlight reel...
How to take panorama photos & stitch them in Photoshop
That was a long title but as it says, this post is all about the shooting skills for a killer pano and how to stitch panoramas in Photoshop (and...
February Challenge Review: Cold
It's March (how?!) and that means that it is CHALLENGE REVIEW TIME! Let's go allocate those Pins (if you're lost, check this page here) and announce...
The magical world of Gradient Maps
For the past 12-14 months I've been using gradient maps on and off to add a bit of grit and power to certain images but it was only when someone...
How to use butterfly lighting with dogs in a small studio
As my time without a dedicated shooting space is [finally!] coming to an end, I thought why not pop up a tutorial in one of the smallest spaces I've...
What is fringing, how to avoid and how to fix it
I feel like this post is about two years late but today, we're covering chromatic aberration, aka Fringing - what is it, how to avoid it in the...
January Challenge Review: Macro
It's February and that means that it is time for CHALLENGE REVIEW TIME! In January we continued on with the "grouping method" and we now need to...
How to prep & export your photos for Instagram
We've been asked this in the Request Box and in online one to ones too so today, I wanted to run through exactly how I prepare my images for posting...
10 tips to boost your photography business
It's January and that means that it's time to plan, but it is also a quiet time for most photography niches which gives us the perfect opportunity...
How to move subjects in Photoshop
Back in the Pets & People video one of the final tips was to close the gaps between subjects if they are not touching, or if one of the subjects...
December Challenge Review: Seasons
I can't quite believe that it is 2022. But it's January and that means that it is CHALLENGE REVIEW TIME! This month we continued on with the...
2021 year in review
2021 has been another weird year. I set some goals way back at the start which included hitting 20k subscribers and building a studio here at home....
How to retouch eyes in Photoshop
As promised after the November Challenge Review Video, today is a focus on a straightforward and relatively simple eye edit that you can do in...
8 Tips for Photographing Pets & People
I realised that although we'd created a tutorial on how to photography multiple subjects together, the Request Box was still filling up with...
November Challenge Review: Urban
CHALLENGE REVIEW TIME! And this month we also did the review a little bit differently but somehow it is December already we need to allocate those...
Top USEFUL Gifts for Photographers (2021 edition)
It's that time of year again! Almost 1 year after we did our original top gifts for photographers list, it's time to do another. With new gift ideas...
How To: Photograph Dogs Running – Action Photography 101
Post updated: 17th November 2021 Have you been stuck on how to complete stellar dog action photography? Well, if you have, you're really not alone....
How to give & receive constructive critique
Constructive critique, otherwise known as CC, is a super common thing in the world of social media and especially so for photographers. You can...
How to use Lightrooms Masking features
When I first saw this I think I actually said WTF. Now that it's here and I've had a chance to play, I wanted to share my own thoughts and a sample...
October Challenge Review: Connection
CHALLENGE REVIEW TIME! We need to allocate those Pins (if you're lost, check this page here) and announce the next month's challenge so let's get...
The one-click urban portrait fix
With winter coming in I know I'll be opting more for studio and urban work rather than forest photos because of the wet mud and icky bland tones and...
Desensitise animals to flash
A question that has been asked in The Request Box a lot over the past months is "how to get dogs used to flash in studio" and then a few more of...
How to know when to, and how to, clean your sensor
This weeks video is all about sensor spots, dust spots and sensor cleaning for your camera - a somewhat scary topic and one you may not know how to...
Bryt’s Birthday Cake Smash
On the 27th September 2021, Bryt turned one. I can’t describe the epic time I’ve had with Beanie over the past year, so I’m not even going to try....
September Challenge Review: Water
CHALLENGE REVIEW TIME! October arrived and that means we need to allocate those Pins (if you're lost, check this page here) and announce the next...
Straightening backgrounds in Photoshop
Today's video came about as a result of a message sent into the Request Box and the request read: "How to straighten the background of an image (eg....
The Photography Show 2021 – TeamTOG
The Photography Show has and always will be one of the, if not the most, important events in the photographic industries calendar here in the UK....
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