I realised that although we'd created a tutorial on how to photography multiple subjects together, the Request Box was...
How To’s Posts
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How To: Photograph Dogs Running – Action Photography 101
Post updated: 17th November 2021 Have you been stuck on how to complete stellar dog action photography? Well, if you...
The one-click urban portrait fix
With winter coming in I know I'll be opting more for studio and urban work rather than forest photos because of the...
Desensitise animals to flash
A question that has been asked in The Request Box a lot over the past months is "how to get dogs used to flash in...
How to know when to, and how to, clean your sensor
This weeks video is all about sensor spots, dust spots and sensor cleaning for your camera - a somewhat scary topic...
Equine photography behind the scenes (& MTog full edit)
When we were up in Scotland on the secret project, we met a lovely horse called Harley. Harley is owned by Tanya and...
How to correct tint and temp issues
This weeks video is all about colour. We've covered colour before on more than one occasion, first with white balance...
How to correct screen vs print differences
This video I actually really enjoyed creating because it was a legitimate situation happening as we selected papers...
Behind the scenes photographing horses in studio
Ponies. The love of my life. I was honoured to be asked to come photograph some absolutely beautiful horses recently...
How to find and remove blemishes in Photoshop
Everyone is so used to seeing dogs that I kind of felt it was about time we threw some human skills into the pot...
How to shoot backlit portraits at golden hour
A request from The Request Box this week, how to shoot backlit portraits at golden hour. I think everyone adores the...
How to set the perfect white balance in camera
This is a question I get asked a lot because you guys often see me do one or both methods in videos and within...
How to do “Big Sky” dog photography
We've gone through flash basics, we've gone through the strobes or speedlight debate, and we know how to control out...
How to get more than one subject in focus in the same photograph
How to get multiple subjects in focus in one photo is like the holy grail of portrait photography and it's rarely...
Flash Photography 101: Off Camera Flash for Beginners
Where on earth do you start as a newbie into the world of flash photography? Off camera flash photography for...
How to photograph treat catches (action in studio!)
This one is a hot request in The Request Box so we dismantled our entire dining room to be able to film the how-to...
What’s all the hype about Histograms?
Ah Histograms, the photographers faithful friend. I will admit, I didn't really feel they were that important but...
How to add watermarks to photos in Photoshop
Another request straight out of The Request Box today, this time answering a few different requests all focussing on...